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Category: Employment Employment
Source: CDA Press Digital Classifieds
Listed: Wed Apr 17th

POLICE OFFICER, LATERAL The City of Priest River Police Department is currently accepting applications and resumes for the lateral entry of an experienced Police Officer. Eligible applicants must have at least two (2) years of experience as a sworn peace officer with a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency, who currently hold at least a basic certificate from the State’s certifying agency (P.O.S.T.), and who are currently employed as a law enforcement officer or who have left such employment in good standing within the last two (2) years. The successful applicant will undergo a thorough background investigation, polygraph examination, and psychological evaluation. Upon hire, a $2,500 hiring bonus will be made with the first regularly scheduled paycheck, and an additional $2,500 will be paid once employed for one (1) year. All payments will be in gross wages and subject to applicable withholdings. The hiring bonus applies only to lateral officer applications received after April 10, 2024, and will cease at the sole discretion of the employer. Starting salary is $53,809.60 to $64,812.80 DOQ, plus medical, dental, employee assistance program, PERSI retirement plan, and take-home vehicle (must reside within 20 miles of Priest River, Idaho for take home vehicle program). All persons interested in this position should request an application form and job description from Priest River City Hall at 208-448-2123, on our website at, or by email: A City of Priest River application, available from the City Clerk, resume, and any other supporting documents must be received by the City Clerk no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, May 10, 2024. The City of Priest River is an equal opportunity employer.
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